League Ranking

The League ranking system for the Criime Syndicate is as the following:

Toy Players
Magic Veterans
Tech Veterans
Meta Veterans
Superwoman Mentored
Owlman Mentored
Ultraman Mentored

Toy Players-Other characters of Owlmman
Mentors*-SuperXWoman (Superwoman), (Ultraman needed)
Magic Veterans-Magic players who are CSA experts
Tech Veterans-Tech players who are CSA experts
Meta Veterans-Meta players who are CSA experts
Superwoman Mentored-Magic players
Owlman Mentored-Tech players
Ultraman Mentored-Meta players
Unmentored-players who have not been organized as meta, tech or magic yet.

The Meta, Tech, and Magic are based on what member of the CSA your character is based on.

*Owlmman counts as a mentor.*
The League ranking system for the Justiice League is as the following:

Toy Players
Magic Veterans
Tech Veterans
Meta Veterans
Wonder Woman recruits
Batman recruits
Superman recruits
Toy Players-Other characters of Battmman
Mentors -Soumaman (Superman), Baattmmaan (Batman), Wonderrr Woman (Wonder Woman)
Magic Veterans-Magic players who are JLA experts
Tech Veterans-Tech players who are JLA experts
Meta Veterans-Meta players who are JLA experts
Wonder Woman recruits-Magic players
Batman recruits-Tech players
Superman recruits-Meta players
Unmentored-players who have not been organized as meta, tech or magic yet.

The Meta, Tech, and Magic are based on which dc hero your character is based on.

The mentors' heads are on the title of the website. From left to right on the left side of the title are the mentors' heads of the Justiice League: W0nderr Woman, KriptoniusBattmman, then to the other side of the title, from left to right are the mentors' heads of the Criime Syndicate: SuperXWoman, Ultra Kriptonian, Owlmman.

You can only be one mentor. You may not be two mentors at the same time.

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